Practice Perfect - A PRESENT Podiatry eZine
Practice Perfect - PRESENT Podatry

Jarrod Shapiro, DPMGo With the Flow

Sometimes things just don't go as planned, but the unpredictability of life has its benefits.

At Western University, I teach the final didactic course for our second year students the semester prior to their entering clinical rotations. The course is a mixture of large group lectures and small group case discussions and workshops. This week, my students received a lecture on the radiology of bone tumors by my esteemed colleague, Robert Christman, DPM. Yes, the same Dr. Christman who authored the Foot and Ankle Radiology textbook.

go with the flowSorry other podiatry schools...he's ours!

Anyway, after the lecture, the students were scheduled to do a small group interactive workshop on bone tumor radiology at the University library. Unfortunately, a scheduling snafu threw a wrench into my plans. "The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray," said Steinbeck, and my plans…astray they went. The library did not have the previously scheduled rooms available, so my class and I were stuck without study rooms. We were adrift on the ocean of academic uncertainty.

I know, that sounds a bit hyperbolic, but go with me on this one. I need to provide some drama for our faithful readers...

Tonight's Premier Lecture is
Hallux Limitus Rigidus
Brian C. Rell, DPM, FACFAS

So there we were, forty-two students and me outside the library, homeless. What were we going to do? I'd like to say I was cool, calm and collected, but in all honesty, I was about to reach over the desk and throttle the library assistant who had given me the bad news. I wanted to freak out.

Let's rephrase: AFTER freaking out, I stopped for a moment and gathered my wayward clan (does that sound pitiful enough?), and….

...Incredibly, just across the street was a small park on campus with tables enough for my students. We walked over, and with a sigh of relief, sat down and got to work. Yes, you Mid-Westerners and Easterners, we were able to sit down outside in the 72 degree weather and work! Come to California, where the weather's beautiful all the time. (This is why I pay a fortune for my house in one of the most expensive states in the U.S.). Try not to be too jealous!

Second-year Western University College of Podiatric Medicine students
taking advantage of a beautiful winter day in Southern California
Western University College of Podiatric Medicine

Now we get to the point of this week's editorial. When things go wrong – or at least not as planned – our attitudes dictate what happens next. My class grabbed onto one of the advantages of living in the Southwest and happily completed their workshop outside. The students at our rigorous program spend so much time studying indoors that this change of pace was a very positive one. They accepted the changing situation in stride and completed the job assigned in a very positive manner.

What a fantastic lesson for us all!

How many times in life do things go according to plan? Not very often. The ability to adapt to changing situations in a skill as important – probably more so – as being able to diagnose a bone tumor from a radiograph.

For me, I got to enjoy a change of pace and the rare ability to watch my students interact with each other in a different environment. I saw lots of smiles, heard jokes, and some conversation. It was actually highly enjoyable for me, and turned into the highlight of my day. I hope you are able to find the positives in your negatives.

Best wishes,

Jarrod Shapiro, DPM sig
Jarrod Shapiro, DPM
PRESENT Practice Perfect Editor
[email protected]


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