This Just In...
Journey Towards Limb Preservation
in Madrid - Past, Present, Future

Jose Luis Lázaro Martínez, DPM, MSc, PhD describes the history of the creation of Diabetic Foot Unit in Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. Dr Lázaro Martínez runs around the challenges of the creation, and the composition of the multidisciplinary team, the role of the gatekeeper, the insights coming for the clinical experience and what are the current gaps foreseen in the near future. He also analyzes the impact of this model in Spain and the influence in reducing the variability of patient outcomes among regions.

CME (Credits: 0.5) CEU (Credits: 0.75)

This CME lecture is from the Live In-Person
2023 Desert Foot Conference.

José Luis Lázaro Martínez DPM,
MSc, PhD, FFPM RCPS (Glasg)

Lecturer, Head of Diabetic Foot Unit & Director of the Diabetic Foot Research Group
Complutense University and Health Research Institute
San Carlos Teaching Hospital
Madrid, Spain
[email protected]

Click the image below to view this lecture.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe the history about the creation of Diabetic Foot Unit at Complutense University in Madrid, Spain.
  2. Show the references and models used for the unit setting-up.
  3. Demonstrate the benefits of the implementation of this model in Madrid and Spain.
  4. Define the current gaps in the management of diabetic foot patients and the potential solutions.

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