This Just In...
Wound Prevention From the Top Down

Ryan Dirks, MS, PA, CWS will provide a basic understanding of skin health and the correlation with the development of chronic wounds. He will also discuss different types of skin moisturizers and barrier products to prevent wounds as well as a review of the Coalition of At-Risk Skin Consensus work.

CME (Credits: 0.5) CEU (Credits: 0.5)

This CME lecture is from the Live In-Person
2023 Desert Foot Conference.

Ryan Dirks, MS, PA, CWS
Chief Executive Officer/Chief Medical Officer
United Wound Healing
Puyallup, WA
[email protected]

Click the image below to view this lecture.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify characteristics unique to pressure injuries/ulcers vs non-pressure ulcers. This includes their pathophysiology, mechanisms of tissue damage, and epidemiology particularly in the long-term care and post-acute continuum.
  2. Demonstrate basic knowledge of pressure injury/ulcer staging system.
  3. Analyze relevant data pertaining to frequency and healing rates of pressure ulcers compared to non-pressure ulcers.


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