Special Edition This Just In...
Learning Optimization for Today's Podiatric Resident

It's an odd aspect to much of our education that we are never taught how to learn. As surgeons, we podiatrists learn again and again how vital tools are (we call them instruments) to what we can accomplish in the operating room. A well balanced scalpel, low vibration power cutting tools, various jigs and systems, all help us to achieve high quality reproducible results in the OR. Yet aside from a few essential mnemonics, we are not given a single tool for how to learn. Instead, we share the common experience of being given a body of knowledge, the massive amounts of education content that is a "medical education" and are expected to figure out how to deal with it. Some of it, we memorize. Some of it, we kind of organize in our memory, so that when we need the details, we know where to get it. But never do we receive training in the most effective ways to learn, how to optimize the work of learning to make our efforts most effective...until now.

It is my pleasure to introduce to you Melissa Shapiro, Learning Skills Specialist from the Western University of Health Sciences - College of Podiatric Medicine, who has created a lecture for you that teaches you how to optimize clinical learning. In this 1 hour lecture, she introduces you to effective methodology for optimally retaining and recalling the vital information that you need to be a bright accomplished physician.

Alan Sherman, DPM

Lecture Description:

Success in residency demands a new set of learning strategies. Since many residents lack formal education on effective learning methods, this introductory lecture discusses active learning and reflection through the framework of deliberate practice. Learners are provided with practical scenarios to apply these skills and supercharge their educational experiences.

CME (Credits: 1.00)

Melissa Shapiro
Learning Skills Specialist
Western University of Health Sciences College
of Podiatric Medicine
Pomona, California
[email protected]

Click the image below to view this lecture.

Learning Objectives:

  • Implementing effective strategies for integrating active recall into clinical and surgical training sessions.
  • Analyzing personal learning experiences through reflective practice to identify and leverage opportunities.
  • Optimizing repeated practice techniques to reinforce and expand upon acquired knowledge.


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