Issue 266

Subscribers: 21,846

Nov 2, 2020

Virtual Live Streaming Conferences – Podiatrists’ New Favorite CME Format

PRESENT Podiatry News Flash   November 2, 2020

In the last month, PRESENT e-Learning Systems has run two live streaming conferences with a combined attendance of over 1,000. The Residency Education Summits have been run since 2012 in New Jersey and Chicago, and the Superbones Superwounds West, which has taken place in Las Vegas since 2010, were run as live streaming events this year and received remarkable acclaim by those attending. When surveyed, 97% found it excellent or good and said they would attend other such online streaming conferences. In reading through the prolific comments submitted, the prevailing themes were that, compared to live conferences that they’ve attended in the past, this new format is less expensive, more convenient and in some respects, a better education experience.

Attendees found that, compared to live conferences that they’ve attended in the past, this new format of Internet live streaming CME conferences is less expensive, more convenient and in some respects, a better education experience.

The entire events industry shut down in March and aside from certain select gatherings, is still shut down and is expected to remain so until widespread immunity is obtained by mass vaccination well into 2021. We at PRESENT hope to be able to again run our 6 live conferences, Desert Foot, Superbones Superwounds East and West, the East and Midwest Residency Education Summits, and PRESENT Treasure Hunt beginning next Summer. But for now, until we can all attend conferences again, ALL CME is online.

Until we can meet again, we still need to earn our CME, both to continue to improve our knowledge and skills, but also to fulfil the CME requirement of the state where we practice. The good news is that over 1,000 attendees at our first two live streaming virtual CME conferences have told us that they really like this format...and some even prefer it.

Here are a variety of those comments:


"I actually enjoyed the conference more than I did in person at Superbones East. Being home was much more comfortable than the hotel. The comfort factor allowed me to get more out of the presentations."

Charles Wallack, DPM

"So glad PRESENT is ahead of the curve in offering online CMEs. I've been onboard since 2016. This format allows for critical thinking and engagement... Nice!"

Sheila Benford, DPM

"Considering all the challenges of this year, I really appreciate the effort and ingenuity that went into putting this type of conference on. Kudos to PRESENT Podiatry for putting on a great conference in this format!! Good job!! I like the energy and human interaction of the Las Vegas conference, but would also attend this type of conference again. How you guys pulled this off this year was really amazing!!"

Timothy Tomlinson, DPM

"Overall, a GREAT experience. Certainly, was MUCH IMPROVED OVER a more traditional in person weekend seminar. One huge improvement was this was not at OVERPRICED big resort / hotel costing $ 250 a day!!!!!"

Harry Yankuner, DPM

"Please continue with these conferences online"

Mohsen Barmada, DPM

"Well planned and organized. Technology worked well."

William McConahey, DPM

"IT was very good. I did not see any major IT glitches like other seminars I attended."

Franklin Polun, DPM

"Although I usually look forward to the Teaneck meeting to meet up with colleagues, the format of the virtual conference was better than expected and I actually prefer future conferences this way, COVID or no COVID. The time saved from travel along with gas and tolls was well worth missing lunches and snacks with colleagues. The ease of navigation from the lobby to the exhibit hall to the lecture hall was uncomplicated, even for a less savvy computer person, like me :-) Bravo to the PRESENT team for a well thought out, well planned, and very organized conference! You out did yourself!"

Sharmila Jani, DPM

"I can honestly say that I enjoyed this format much better than attending a live lecture. I found myself less distracted with talking with peers about shop and was more focused on the educational presentation. It eliminates the problems and expense of travel and enables the ability to rewind and go over a lecture more than once if something was missed. I myself found that I tended to sit for more lectures than if it was live and if education is the objective, then this remote presentation works much better for me. As for social aspect of seminars, I tend to stay in touch with many of my peers anyhow."

Thomas Stickley, DPM

"Would definitely attend another conference with a similar format, especially in these COVID times."

Najwan Hayman, DPM

"I was able to view the lectures at my own pace. If I missed anything I could rewind. I found the online conference to be better in many aspects. Learning for me was better. I do like to walk around an exhibition hall and see people."

Gregory Kaufman, DPM

This ezine and the overall sponsorship of PRESENT Podiatry was made possible through the support of our sponsors:

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