and WHY of Biopsies


Steve McClain, MD

Steve McClain, MD
Adjunct Professor
Dermatology and Emergency Medicine
SUNY Stonybrook University Hospital
Stony Brook, LI
Owner McClain Laboratories
Smithtown, NY

Podiatrists need to understand the decision-making process of biopsying non-healing ulcers and doing a thorough skin evaluation on every patient. This will rule out malignancy and uncover hidden causes for delayed healing. Underutilization of the biopsy can lead to an improper diagnosis and patient harm. During this Webinar, Dr McClain will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of common biopsy instruments, techniques, and how the clinical interpretation leads to the proper decision of when and how to treat.   

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the decision-making process that leads to performing a biopsy.
  2. Identify the need to biopsy non-healing ulcers to rule out malignancy and uncover hidden causes for delayed healing.
  3. Examine the advantages and disadvantages of common biopsy instruments and techniques: punch, shave, curette, and scalpel.
  4. Discuss the menu of histopathology laboratory testing.
  5. Review the dermatopathological diagnosis that leads to the proper decision to treat.
This Webinar is Approved for 1 CECH.
PRESENT e-Learning Systems is approved by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education as a provider of continuing education in podiatric medicine. PRESENT e-Learning Systems has approved this activity for a maximum of 1 continuing education contact hours.


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